30 maart 2022The date for the next NASO spring meeting 2022 is set: Wednesday March 30 in Oudaen, Utrecht.
We have this year two excellent keynote speakers:
Prof. Marleen van Baak (Professor Em. of the Physiology of Obesity, Pubmed) and Prof. Joost Hoenderop (professor of Molecular Kidney Physiology, PubMed).
NASO 2022 spring meeting
March 30 2022
Oudaen, Oudegracht 99, 3511 AE Utrecht
Time: 10:00 – 17:00h
Dinner: All participants of the meeting are invited to join for dinner (free) following the meeting.
NASO members just pay 15 euro, so if you are not yet already member or paid your 2022 yearly contribution (25 euro), please do so first. Non-members pay 40 euro.
– Abstract submission deadline: February 16, 2022
– Application NASO publication prize 2021: February 16, 2022
– Registration deadline: March 16, 2022
Registration, Abstract submission and Applications: evert.vanschothorst@wur.nl
Why should I join?
– Presentations based on submitted abstracts (peer-reviewed)
– Key-note lectures by recognized investigators
– Networking opportunity
– General Assembly NASO